Publication History
Indian Society of Landscape Architects – Conference Paper - Water Beyond its Objective Realm (Jan, 2016)
Metamorphic urbanity - Research on Pearl River Delta (2010-11)
City Observer, Vol. 1, Issue 1 - Emergence of Landscape Urbanism - a strategy for future cities (Jun, 2015)
Unprejudiced Perceptions (2014)
Journal of Landscape Architecture, Issue 38 - Urban Transmogrification – Necessity for Mutation of Spaces (2013)
Oculus 4 - If this is what it is? (Apr, 2012)
Oculus 3 - Landscape Urbanism as a critically informed discipline (Oct, 2011)
Architectural Association – Projects Review 2011 - Metamorphic Urbanity (Jun, 2011)
Project Fresh Kills - A Review (May, 2011)
Learning Unlearning (Apr, 2011)
Landscape paraphrased into urbanity - the rethinking of a system (Jan, 2011)
Metamorphic Urbanity - a [meta]physical transition (Dec, 2010)
K V Design Forum - Mutation Culture in an Urban Milieu (Jan, 2010)
Archiprix (Jul, 2009)